Today I got asked what I do with my spare time. All because I was handing out stickers to promote my podcast. Which got me thinking. What do other people do with their life outside of business hours if what I am doing is out of the ordinary?

I work a full time job which keeps me too busy to do what I get paid to do. I run and manage a podcast about Xbox and gaming. I blog here. I write short stories. I have started writing music reviews. I try to write about how to improve the Windows 10 experience. I gym (not as much as I’d like). I co-run a life group. And currently I am studying for my MCSA.

In the midst of all these things, I still spend time with my wife, cook dinner every night, play games on Xbox and PC and journal daily. Oh, and I tweet. Often and lots.

During all of this, I still feel like I should do more. Like I am not doing enough. Is this normal, or is this excessive?

Oh, and this afternoon, I am going to the launch event for New Zealand Space Challenge. Because why not.

Am I doing too much? Or not enough?

Categories: Blog