Disclaimer: Parachute Music Festival is a Christian Music Festival. Do not expect this to be a simple, straight forward look at anything. If you take offense to my beliefs, then no one is forcing you to read this. Its fully your problem and not mine as I have given this warning. And with that… Que curtain rise…
The lights dim. The sound fades. On stage the roadies are already setting up for the next band. Down in front, on the floor, with a giant grin and big tears going down my face, I sit. You see, Sleeping Giant had just finished playing their set. A band from the US which I never thought in my life I would see live. When deciding that my future lay else where and climbing on that plane, my mind was never assailed with thoughts of this. So why cry? Why not be happy instead? Oh trust me, I was. I was so excited to see them, and my friends can attest to that fact.
The band came on and started off with a prayer. They played a few songs, then prayed again. After a few more songs, they ended off with a prayer and an invitation – we’ll be outside if you would like us to pray for you. To see one of my favourite bands, a band which has helped me through certain struggles as a Christian, so on fire for God and the message they so heartfelt believe and so humble, that affected me.
I suppose I cant actually explain any emotion over text, nor should I feel like I have to. I watched them not once, but twice. Prayed with them in a crowd and prayed with them face to face. I got to met people I look up to, and for once, was not disappointed. They are human, and they struggle, but guess what? We all do. To have it be so real is amazing.
Ok, I realise I have stopped making much sense – my mind is all over the place and even reliving those memories is bring all the emotion to the dinner table. What I suppose I wanted to say is, seeing them and their passion and just the way they are, has inspired me, given me a breath of fresh air. Parachute was amazing and completely revitalised my spirit, but I don’t think it would have had such a big impact on me if it weren’t for them.
So I end on this, I may not be where I want to be in life, in finances, in other things, but I am here, and God has been so good to me. For everything wrong, there are ten things right. It wont get better over night, but it will get better. And that is the promise we as Christian’s can count on.
1 Comment
Cahryn K. · April 15, 2013 at 20:54
I just wanted to say how much you've helped me with that simple, short post.
Maybe one day I can go to a Christian music festival and feel truth as well.
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