In September, my friend group decided to do a photography challenge. The challenge was simple – find something each day to take a photo of, for the whole of September, and post it to Instagram under the #covfefeDoesPhotography hashtag.
The idea was that everyone would show off a bit more of their daily lives and less of the “social media highlight roll” that plagues our feeds. Along with allowing those in the group to really get to grips with mobile photography and maybe foster a new hobby… Plus, who doesn’t like a challenge? Seeing the first photo and the last photo and watching as everyone becomes more competent with the medium would be its own reward.
I always knew I liked the idea of mobile photography – the fact that you shoot, edit and upload pretty instantly. It allows a more agile way of approaching photography. It lowers the entry and allows creativity to flourish in ways traditional photography doesn’t.
During this month of September, I took a few photos that I was really proud of. I looked at things differently, and decided to shoot things from a different angle. In fact, our recent trip to Thailand and a mini photo competition between Jeremy and myself inspired this. He showed me how to use Snapseed – a photo editing app – and how it takes ordinary photos and just gives them a little pop. Something I am eternally grateful for and use almost daily.
Some days our mini competition got intense – like when we went to the Singapore Gardens and decided to do a 5 Photo Post. The most Instagram likes won. In the end Simone won… By 1 like!
And this is how far Jeremy went to get a good photo. It was not the first time he would lie on the ground to take photos either.
Along with this photography challenge, I got more involved in the #shotOniPhone campaign that Apple runs every now and again. In it they highlight a bunch of really amazing photos that everyone – from professional photographers to your everyday Joe – have taken on their iPhone. Surely if others could take such amazing photos with the same tool I have in my pocket, I will be able to too.
So now I present to you some of my favourite shots I have taken with my iPhone. There are oh so many more, but this gives you an idea.
I’ll be combing through and sorting a lot more of my photos at some point, and showcasing my favourite ones here. If you want to see every photo I took, check out my Instagram.
Jeremy · December 12, 2019 at 11:02
Kyle · December 12, 2019 at 11:08
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