While writing 2018’s Album Retrospect, I sat and wondered out loud how the next year would compare. So many good albums, so many good songs – whether they came out that year or I discovered them in 2018, it didn’t matter. It boiled down to albums that stole my attention, made me sit up and really listen. I personally lamented how 2019 could even come close.

Now I sit here, looking towards 2020 with some amazing releases dropping this year, and my trusty Apple Music ensuring me that I am exposed to a lot more new and upcoming bands. 2019 proved to me that when you think it cant get any better, it does.

If you only have time to listen to a few albums, consider this my definitive list for 2019. I will cover the albums that got me excited, enthralled and engrossed. And hopefully (if I do my job right) give you an idea on where metal is going in 2020. So lets dive in.

Demon Hunter – War & Peace (Double Album)

War & Peace album covers from Demon Hunter

While not the first release of 2019, Demon Hunter’s War and Peace double album is one of my most listened to ‘album’ in 2019. And for good reason. These dual albums perfectly showcase the duality of the band – being both heavy and melodic when they need to be. Along with amazing song writing, with the pure Demon Hunter sound, these albums do not get any better.

Since being released in March, I have listened to these albums – from start to finish, over 11 times each! That is 11 times I have started Cut to Fit on War and ended with Fear is Not My Guide on Peace in one sitting. Other stats put each of these albums as having random songs played from them a total of 81 times (This does not include the 11+ full listen throughs)! That alone is a testament to how great this release is.

If you want to know more, check out the Sort-Of Music Review I did for this double release. But without a doubt – Demon Hunters double outing here is my Album of the Year for 2019.

In Flames – I, The Mask

In Flames – I, The Mask vinyls

Not to be outdone, and releasing on the very same day – March the 2nd – In Flames’ offering I, The Mask also came out of nowhere to blow me away. And, in a turn of events I’d never thought happen, I have listened to this album even more than Demon Hunter’s one(s). A total of 16 full play throughs! In fact, if I start this album, I will finish it. Every time!

Everything with this album is absolute perfection and it only loses out for my album of the year due to my eternal love of Demon Hunter. The sound, the composition – its really does showcase a maturity from the Swedish metalers that they have been building to in their previous outings. Call My Name is a song that is going to stay with me for the rest of my life. In fact I am turning it up right now!

Actually, I have just decided, I, The Mask is now sharing the title of my Album of the Year 2019! For New Gothenburg Death Metal (yes, thats a real genre), you’ll be hard pressed to find anything better than this album.

Check out my Sort-Of Music Review I did for this one if you’re keen to hear more.

Eluveitie – Ategnatos

Eluveitie – Ategnatos

My most favourite band in the world! And I got to see them live in 2019, in what was probably the best live set I have ever seen! No hyperbole! These guys killed it and tore up the small Auckland stage in a dive bar called Galatos. I was lucky enough to be in the front row and even ‘played’ some guitar!

I have not done a review of this album yet… For the reasons… that I have.
It may be February’s Sort-Of Music Review, but I really don’t want to sully the most amazing folk metal in the world with my inadequate words. This album is way more metal than folk, as the band breaks new ground on evolving their sound. And it works, because you still want to grab your sword and shield and run off into the country side!

While in my mind this is not THE BEST Eluveitie album out there, its still a 9/10 and an absolute beast. If you’re looking for really in-depth folk metal, an all encompassing sound, and just incredible vocals, Eluveitie is the gold standard. Listen to Ambiramus and tell me you don’t want to be a viking! I dare you!

RAMMSTEIN – Self Titled

RAMMSTEIN – Self Titled

The German rockers are back! And with a vengeance! After 10 long years, we are yet again graced with the weird and wonderful world of Till Lindemann and crew. And they do not disappoint.

Its 100% a Rammstein album, almost like they never left. This album exploded onto the scene with their single for DEUTSCHLAND and the accompanying 10 minute short film of it. To say the buzz was palatable is an understatement. Twitter and the web at large was absolutely vibrating with exciting, and it even extended into real life. My mate Dan and I woke up early on the release date, just to try listen to it first. He beat me, but not by much…

And when Till sings “Deutschland, Deutschland über allen” you can’t help but get goosebumps. Such a powerful language – German – and to mix it with the Rammstein sound – it almost makes you wish you were German!

This album is (in my opinion) the best Rammstein album to date. You can read more about it in this Sort-Of Music Review.

As I Lay Dying – Shaped By Fire

As I Lay Dying - Shaped By Fire album cover
As I Lay Dying – Shaped By Fire

Metalcore never died. It just went on hiatus. And bringing it back was As I Lay Dying with their Shaped By Fire release.

I wrote about what it took from the band to create this album in my October Sort-Of Music Review, and how them coming back to make this album earned my eternal respect for every single member.

This whole album is pure, unapologetic, metalcore straight from 2003, along with being the band’s most important release to date. And its more than just a bunch of songs put together. This is truly more than the sum of its parts. The fact that it came out is testament to the power of forgiveness and for that fact alone it makes this list.

Of course it also helps that it is a really impressive album! I look forward to hearing more from As I Lay Dying, and watching how they grow. Seriously – this is 9/10 metalcore!

TOOL – Fear Inoculum

Tool's Fear Inoculum Cover
TOOL – Fear Inoculum Special Edition Cover

TOOL. What more can be said? What more even needs to be said? 2019 was the year of bands remembering how to make albums, it seems.

After another 13 year wait for this. And boy is it worth it! The prog-rockers don’t disappoint at all on this outing. Its perfect TOOL-experimental-mind-bending trip of an album, and no one would have it any other way.

This album made my September Sort-Of Music Review and in it I predicted that this album would change the way bands approach making an album, and its already felt in the latest Slipknot album. Over the course of 2020, I can bet a lot more bands will, even its subconsciously, change their methods, their process. And this album is why.

Prog-rock, experimental weirdness, unashamedly TOOL. And its flippin’ brilliant! Now that they are touring, we can only hope more music comes out from them and its not another 13 year wait…

Slipknot – We Are Not Your Kind

Slipknot Banner
Slipknot’s We Are Not Your Kind album art

I really took apart this album in my August Sort-Of Music Review and for good reason. Slipknot have remained my favourite band since I first heard them in 2000. I followed everything they did, for a long time. Before life got way to busy to dedicate that much time to being a super-fan.

This is their most experimental album to date, and I’d be lying if I said it was my favourite, or their best album (in my opinion), but its the continued evolution of the band. And that is something I respect. They certainly aren’t sticking to one sound, thats for sure!

When the Monsters of Metal, and one of the titans of the metal scene move, you can be sure to see others follow. And with Slipknot paving the way, and almost giving permission, to be more experimental and to embrace the weird and artsy, we can expect the releases of 2020 to follow suit.

Slipknot’s album makes this list for two reasons – firstly, its freaking Slipknot and its been 5 years since their last album. And secondly, even though in my mind its not the best, its still really good. I look forward to where the scene goes now that the doors have been opened for all the smaller bands.

Nucleust – I Am Ocean EP

Nucleust – I Am Ocean EP Cover

And speaking of small bands, I am ending my list with just about a local band – from Perth, Australia. Nucleust drew my attention for their pure aggressiveness and passion about the subjects they sing about.

Now why would a small, underground band make this list? A list that involves titans in their respected fields. For the simple reason that small bands help shape the sound and feel of the community a lot more than the biggest bands. Nucleust manages to hold their own against these titans. They are exceptionally produced, they have a clear vision of what Nucleust is, and they chase that vision with absolute single mindedness.

I Am Ocean is a short album – being an EP of only 5 songs. but those 5 songs are amazing each in their own right. My full review is here.

I look forward to where this band is going. And I look forward to the sound they are fostering. For me, if most of the underground bands have this much drive, this much passion, and this much dedication to carving out their own voice, then the future of the metal scene is in the best place its ever been in.

And it will only get better going into 2020.

Wrap Up

These 8 albums are the stand outs of 2019 for me. In a sea of amazing music, they rose above, punched above their weight, and earned their place as some of the finest work the band has ever produced.

Each one tells a story – where the band has come from, where its going and where they want to take the world of metal.

So what are you waiting for?
Turn on the speakers, plug in the headphones, and turn the volume to 11!


Simone Dunkerley · January 23, 2020 at 11:44

Great writeup! Although I completely missed the part where you impart your “where metal is going in 2020” knowledge.

I will never understand people’s fascination with TOOL, but love what you love and that’s fine by me. I can even hear that annoying jerky song playing in my mind right now (even though I don’t know the lyrics). It’s driving me nuts so maybe I should put on some Ed Sheeran to get it out of my head… Anyway, I’m interested to hear how you feel TOOL’s album has changed other bands.

Back when Demon Hunter’s “War & Peace” came out, I listened to several of the songs to try and get an appreciation of how the two albums compliment each other. It’s great, and I wish it wasn’t only the metal genre that did that kind of thing.

And lastly, Rammstein is pretty cool. I think I remember you describing them as metal pop? Or… basically developed in such a way that non-mental fans enjoy listening to them too. Their videos are so entertaining!

    Kyle · January 23, 2020 at 23:17

    Thanks Simone. The bands I highlighted are the ones I feel giving the most direction into where it’s going – so I suppose listen to them and see how they’re different from other bands??
    Tool is awesome. The next album that I can the influences, I’ll let you know. But even the way Slipknot approached making their latest album was very different, and similar to Tool’s take.

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