Let’s end off the year with probably one of the heaviest bands I have discovered in 2022. Because what better way to kick into the Christmas spirit than by beating down your ear drums? And yes, I know technically there haven’t been many posts this year… I have nothing funny or interesting to say about that apart from sometimes life gets too exciting. So let us dive into the latest EP from Orbit Culture. Hold on to your face extremities – they’re in very real danger of melting off!

Now, when it comes to heavy music, we have a few things to mark off the list. This makes sure we’re getting the genuine article, the real deal. You wouldn’t want to miss one of these especially important and scientifically accurate steps, because then you may end up listening to ABBA and wondering where your life went wrong. So, without further waffle…

Are they Swedish? Check.
Are they classified as melodic death metal? Check.
And are they from some unpronounceable place (Eksjö)? Check.
And with that, we can rest easy. We’re getting 100% pure, grade A, metal. Imported from the music fields, direct from Sweden and straight into your soul.

Orbit Culture came to me via Apple Music’s New Music Mix playlist. You know, the one that pops up every Friday. While I have noticed the quality of this AI generated playlist ebbs and flows, this particular one was quite exceptional. Many new and exciting bands were highlighted, but it was Orbit Culture’s Carvings that was the star of this show.

From the get-go, you know what you’re in for. Apocalyptic, immersive, low tuned guitars and drumming you can march to. I mean, what more do you need? For those who have yet to be graced by their amazing sound, I’ll embed the music video below. I immediately put this on repeat and listened to it again. And again. And then again. And after my 30-minute commute to work, I was sold. I had the EP added to my Apple Music library and was looking forward to the listen on my way home.

Orbit Culutre’s Carvings

Currently their latest EP Shaman is currently sitting at an impressive sixty-eight plays since I discovered this band in Feburary (as I started writing this review in Feburary). Not too shabby hey! If you’re into your sea shanties (and for some unknown reason everyone is – don’t try to hide it), the last song on the album will be right up your alley. A Sailor’s Tale is their take on Moby Dick and inspired by Metallica’s Master of Puppets! I mean, what more do you need?

Now it’s your turn. Go forth and listen.
And you can thank me later.