It is no secret that I am huge fan of NOW – my ISP of choice. And considering Simone and I are moving away, I decided to reach out to the CEO of NOW and give him a piece of my mind. It’s not the first time I have done this either.

Below, I present you my last open letter-slash-email, and fondest of farewells, to NOW.

Dear Hamish

In the midst of 2015, I moved into a new rental property that had access to the (still at that stage) elusive fibre connection. Coming from the world of VDSL that cut out every time it rained, to say I was excited is an understatement. Before I had completed my move, I was on the phone to Dan (Waite) who had already provisioned, setup and done all the magic on the backend to make sure I could plug in and join the internet super-highway.

In 2016, my lovely wife (I almost wrote WIFI, and seriously, who could blame me) and I purchased and moved into our first home in Meeanee Road. Alas, back down to VDSL I went. Dan was un-phased with all this chopping and changing and put me onto the VDSL plan without any fuss. But as for me, I was a sad panda. During this fibre drought, Dan kept me up to date with each step of the fibre roll out process in and around Meeanee Road, making sure I never felt forgotten.

At some points, I even bugged your fantastic call centre people (both on the phone and in email) to query the viability of running a CAT6 cable under the road, setting up a point-to-point WIFI connection and many other hair brained schemes while struggling with the lack of fibre in my diet. Each, and every time, I was greeted with kindness, compassion, and friendliness. And never like the mad man I was becoming.

Fibre eventually rolled out to our place in 2017, and since that time, I have had no issues, not even one, with the service provided by NOW. This is a testament to the business you built, and the people you have chosen to work for you.

Now in 2021, my wife and I are off on a new adventure – moving to Ozzy for some time. And so, our long-standing relationship with NOW must come to an end. Sadly.
It’s been a great 5 years, of fantastic service, of answering my (often hilarious) emails with the same level of hilarity and just being a great business to do business with.

If NOW ever moves into the Ozzy market, rest assured, I’ll be one of the first to sign up.

All this to say – thank you – to yourself, to NOW and to Dan. It’s been great fun! All the best for the future. And rest assured – Dan is aware of our moving date and when to cut off our access to some of the best internet in the world.

Yours sincerely,
Kyle Dunkerley